About 8 months ago (might even have been longer) I agreed to built and paint my friends Dark Eldar in exchange for his remaining Tyranids. I had wanted to start a Tyranid army at the time I thought it would be a pretty good trade...
I screwed myself over with this one.
So I had the models soaking in Simple Green for nearly 6 months (and it still didn't get the primer off) so now it's time to start getting this stuff done.
So before I soaked these guys I pulled them into as many pieces as I could, this left me with a huge job trying to clean them all up later. But thankfully, as of writing this, that's all done with. We are now at the stage of building everything and beginning to paint.
So heres a few starting pics to give you an idea:
Dark Eldar Archon... Lord... Evil leader dude. |