Let's get into the building stage of our Cygnar Battle Box.
The happy little baggies. |
Each model comes in its own baggy so it will be easy to assemble everything. There are no instructions in the box but the Warjacks are pretty straightforward to assemble, joints use different shaped pegs/holes to ensure that you place the right pieces in the right places.
Warmaster Commander Coleman Stryker (pStryker or Stryker1). |
Ironclad Heavy Warjack. |
Charger Light Warjack. |
Lancer Light Warjack. |
The Lancers spear has some pretty major warping. |
But this was easy to fix with some hot water to reshape.
With all pieces present and accounted for we can begin construction:
Beginning with Stryker, who goes together easily
Commander Stryker |
The Warjacks them selves go together without much trouble as well. I decided to pin the shoulder/arm joints because they didnt socket together as cleanly as I would have liked.
Charger |
Lancer (with his nice straight spear) |
"Come at me!" Ironclad |
Which leaves us with the completed Cygnar Battle Box force!
Off to the painting table with you! |
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