Alright lets get these things built, starting with the Khador half of our Battle Box.
So this is what we start with. |
First order of business, sort them into each model:
Warcaster Sorscha1 |
Destroyer and Juggernaught Heavy Warjacks |
Man o' War Shocktroopers |
Now we can start building:
Sorscha went together without any problems.
Shes about to strike someone down |
The Warjacks had one issue, the axes (both of them) were warped slightly. A bit of hot water fixed them up and the building continued:
Ready for Battle! (actually ready for painting, battle later) |
Now we get to the Man o' War Shocktroopers.
Just a bit wonky |
These guys had some bad warping on their poleaxes, but once again it was easy enough to repair.
Much better |
They went together easily once the Poleaxes were fixed.
Looking pretty sharp. |
They came with a couple icon bits and and 3 different head options for the Leader model.
Overall it was a good set to put together, not alot of mold lines to cleanup. I didn't pin any of these models and don't plan to for the Menoth side either, so we will see how they hold up.
To the painting table! Away! |
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