Friday 27 September 2013

I'm (maybe) Back!

So I realised the other day that it's been nearly six months since I made a post on this blog. Quite a dry patch after the fairly regular posts I was managing at the start (although that was a pretty big backlog I had prepared). The Dark Eldar project was taking most of my hobby time, and considering I didn't want to keep working on them I wasn't devoting much time to the hobby, but it's finally done with, so I thought I would give you an update on what else I was doing.

Monday 23 September 2013

The Dark Eldar Project - Complete!

It's finally over...

So I agreed to fix up and paint this army at least 12 months ago now, and it's been an interesting experience. I would have to say that commission work is not something I could do very often (and certainly not to a time schedule).