Thursday 14 February 2013

Obligatory First Post

Hey guys, I'm Barodas and welcome to my wargaming blog. I suppose to start off I'll give a bit of an overview of my experiences in this little hobby of ours.

I started playing with Warhammer 40k around 3 1/2 years ago. A friend introduced me to the game, I bought an Assault on Black Reach set and some tanks/units and began my journey with Space Marines. I wasn't much of a painter and only got 8 models finished in my entire year and a half of gaming:

Genesis Space Marine. First ever model I painted.
 At first I wanted to paint my marines in the Genesis Chapters colours. But inevitably I went back to the first thing that had introduced me (and many others I'm sure) to the game, Dawn of War and the Blood Ravens.

The test model for my Blood Ravens.

I used special sheets to print out custom decals.
Unfortunately this paint job took a considerable time to do. The reds were layered up from Mechrite Red to Red Gore, then washed with Devlan Mud and layered again with Red Gore. The shoulders were Khemri Brown built up to Bleached Bone.

And heres the first attempt at a squad.
I started with 5 models, and never got to finish the squad.

If I paint it green it can count as a Power Weapon right?
 I used this army for a while, then got bored with it and sold it to fund a new army...

More Space Marines!

This time I wanted to do a biker army that revolved around using a Captain on Bike to unlock Bikes and troops, with landspeeders acting as support. It was a fast and effective army, or it would have been if I hadn't been terrible at using it...
This was the only bike I painted

And I put a lot of time into the details.
 After this army I moved into Warmachine briefly and eventually sold the army to a friend that was starting a White Scars force.

So Warmachine, when it started to pick up in my area I was slow to catch onto the game. All the standard factions had been picked up by at least one person. That's when I came across the Retribution of Scyrah.

Hey there! You look nothing like the other Warjacks.
When I saw this guy and realised the elves of Ios were an actual faction it became obvious which side I was choosing.

I started by finding what the equivelant models of a Battle Box would be for RoS. Alongside that I got a heap of Solos, and made the decision that I would not use any Squads in this game. I wanted a far smaller model count then 40k, so I might actually get them painted.

Yea that didn't happen. After dabbling in Warmachine I learned that one of Scyrahs best assets was it's amazing troops, and refusing to use them crippled my army greatly. I still managed to win quite a few games thanks to the hilarity that is Mage Hunter Assassins. The girls scored quite a few kills for me through the introduction league we played at the store.

I remember vsing Cryx, having my army slowly torn apart without much retaliation. The confused expression on my opponents face when I tried to explain that little solo had 1 shot his caster was priceless.

Another game i vsed Cygnar. I warned him to beware the MHA's, he didn't warn me about the number of disruption effects he had. After having all my jacks disrupted, and half my Solos killed by electro leaps in the second turn I walked my Manticore forward. Ol' Rowdy immediately counter charged and ripped half his arm off. Unfortunately for my opponent this left Stryker on his own, the Assassin took him down in one shot.

And finally, one shotting Venethrax in turn one because he ran into the MHA's threat range. I got paid back later that day when Garryth got one shot turn one buy a Cyclops Savage with half a dozen buffs.

So that's my wargaming history in a rambling overview. I decided at the start of this year to get back into the hobby, starting with the new Retribution of Scyrah Battle Box (that Kaelyssa pose looks badass).

So I guess what I'm saying is this will be a blog about Wargaming in general, Warmachine in particular, and Retribution of Scyrah even more in particular.


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