Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Dark Eldar Project - Part 4

Now to give you guys a look at what happens when I try to convert something.

So my friends Dark Eldar were missing a Klaivex for the Incubi squad. Ofcourse we could just run them as a squad of 4 (its so nice not being limited to 5/10 men #SpaceMarineLists)...

Did I really just make a #something joke? oh dear...

Anyway, we have an extra Dark Eldar Lord model lying around. Since we already have the Archon that can 'counts as' whatever my friend needs I decided to do some conversion work on this Lord model.

My my what very large blades you have.
The conversion was simply replace the standard weapons with 2 halves of an old Raiders Shock Prow. While it does look overly large, it symbolises the two blades of Demi-Klaives weapon she wields. To make the weapon on her left hand I had to take a melee weapon (not sure what kind it was, but there was a pile of them in the bits) cut off the blades, and cut at the wrist. A pin through the bottom piece, through the hand, and into the blade itself ensures a strong connection. The wrist joint required another pin, I just hope its strong enough to hold the weapon.

Just a shot from the back.

Somehow I don't think this is her photographic side (dat hair).

 Oh and I also made some Kabalite Trueborn using the leftover troop models.
2 squad of 5. Pretty elite looking eh?
Sticking with the 'counts as' theme the leader models look different and will have a different base colour. The troops are wielding a rifle and a close combat weapon, impractical and impossible in game, but they will most likely be using Blasters in game.

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