Monday 4 March 2013

Warmachine Two Player Battle Box - Contents

I've been looking forward to picking up the Two Player Battle Box since I saw it announced in 2011. So lets get into it and see what goodies we have to play with:

Nice fancy box with great cover art. But it's the contents we care about!

So to start off we have the extras bits and pieces (or everything that isn't a model) and it's a pretty nice haul. We get the mini rulebook everyone was salivating over, some dice, a flimsy plastic ruler type thingy (hey it's something to measure with at least) and ofcourse the stat cards for our Menoth and Khador models. We also get some Quick Start Rules, an introductory guide to the Warmachine Universe and the game in general (it also provides some help with constructing our Warjacks). Lastly we get a mini No Quarter Magazine which at a glance seems to deliver what it promises, a slimmed down No Quarter magazine with the usual Battle report, fluff information and some modelling and painting tutorials.
Books, and Dice, and Cards, oh my!
Then we move into the meat of the Battle Box, the miniatures themselves!
I'll do a more specific post later on when I actually build these guys, but for the moment heres some pics of them in their little baggies:
Protectorate of Menoth (Kreoss and Sorscha share a baggie *wink*)
Protectorate of Menoth comes with each Warjack in its own bag, along with the Cinerators getting a bag section each as well.
Khador (and the Kreoss/Sorscha bag again)
Khador seems to get the short end of the stick in the bag department. Both heavy Warjacks are bagged together, and the Man o' War Shocktroopers are all together as well... except for their bases.

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